Nov 25, 2018

Foods That Eliminate Intestinal Worms Naturally

Our human body is the perfect host for many harmful worms and parasites which grow and thrive inside our digestive tracts and intestine leading to serious health issues. Most of them enter our system through water and food that we consume. You could even get worms from walking barefeet in infected areas. In these days of advanced medical science, there are vaccines and medicines which are lethal for these parasites but many prefer natural remedies to get rid of them. Here are some 15 natural food items which would help you get rid of those worms trying to feed on you as a parasite.

1. Garlic
Garlic is not only known to kill vampires but also harmful bacteria and parasites inside the human body. It contains compounds such as allicin and ajoene which are potent for the biological amoebas which usually causes digestive disorders. Moreover, a little bit of garlic in our daily diet helps the body to detoxify and stops the oxidation caused by these harmful toxic parasites in the body. For garlic to be effective, it is best to eat a few cloves of raw or crushed garlic every morning or sprinkle it on food.

2. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera isn’t just good for skin; it has a number of medicinal benefits and can also be used to flush out stubborn parasites. You can consume aloe vera in gel, juice or powder form. However, consult a doctor before consuming aloe vera especially if you are pregnant or giving it to children.

3. Turmeric
We all know turmeric has anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. But did you know that it has anti-cancer properties as well? This spice is an excellent blood purifier which flushes out the bacteria and toxins from our systems. It is also very effective against parasites. Consume it with food or milk and see the difference.

4. Thyme
If you are infested by intestinal bacteria and parasites, then thyme is your answer as it has natural antibacterial properties. It stimulates the thymus gland which enhances immunity of and strengthens the defensive mechanism of our body.

5. Raw Pumpkin Seeds
Raw pumpkin seeds are full of a compound named curcurbitin which has high anti-parasitic properties. It paralyses the worms in our intestines and the digestive tracts and makes it easier to flush them out form the system.

6. Papaya
The seeds of this tropical fruit are lethal against all sorts of parasites and toxins invading our digestive tracts. Studies have proven that papaya seeds are especially deadly towards the parasitic worms like a tapeworm. Consume the seeds with honey or cut the fruit in cubes and ferment in apple cider vinegar for a day and eat it.

7. Neem Leaves
Neem or Indian lilac is a tree native to South Asia. While its leaves are popular for the property to treat skin conditions and improve skin, it is also an anti-parasitic agent. The taste of neem leaves is repulsively bitter but its health benefits outshine its taste. It keeps our gut safe, improves digestion and destroys bad bacteria in the intestinal region. You will need to take either a neem supplement or boil the leaves in water and drink the solution.

8. GingerGinger has the ability to accelerate the production of stomach acid, which also destroys the parasites along the way and keeps the gut from any sort of internal harm. Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties and is good for stomach health.

9. Cucumber SeedsTapeworms are very dangerous as it attacks the intestines and digestive tracts of the body. They can even travel to the base of the brain. Cucumber seeds, are known to be an effective remedy against such worms. All you need to do is to grind the seeds into a powder and use it in a smoothie or milkshake.

10. CloveBest consumed with black walnut hulls, cloves are known for killing microscopic parasites and parasitic larvae and its eggs. They contain eugenol, the most powerful killing agent that is highly effective in killing bacteria related to malaria, tuberculosis, and cholera.

1. 1Cayenne
Since cayenne pepper has antifungal properties, therefore, it has the ability to kill all sorts of fungus, moulds or parasites which might threaten our intestines. Moreover, it increases blood circulation and brings a glow to the skin. Do not consume cayenne pepper of you suffer from gastric problems.

12. Green Hulls of Black WalnutGreen hulls of black walnut contain Tannin and juglandin which is deadly for all sorts of parasites inside our body. They simply oxygenate the blood and kill all the toxic organisms within.

13.Sunflower seedsSunflower seeds are powerful natural deterrents for successful germination and penetration of any sorts of toxic parasites in the human body which is a host for many dangerous bacteria, worms and fungi.

14. Coconut and onionsCoconuts and onions are both laced with compounds called flavonoids which reduces or kills parasites. Coconut especially is extremely effective against intestinal parasites. You need to consume the flesh of hardened coconuts for it to be effective. Coconut is especially effective in pinworms.

15. Fermented foodsAny array of fermented food is full of probiotics, which are great at getting rid of toxins in our gut and replaces them with good bacteria. These items include grass-fed dairy items, kimchi the Korean favorite salad, sauerkraut the German favorite staple and any other fermented vegetable which also have the added benefit of fiber-rich components too. Where children are concerned, consult a doctor before giving a child any of these ingredients.

Nov 17, 2018

What is PEMF Therapy?

PEMF therapy uses short bursts of low-intensity electromagnetic stimulation to recharge cells.
It’s non-invasive and painless.
A PEMF device may use a coil or a pad to deliver the electromagnetic energy to people, horses, and pets while they relax comfortably.
You might choose to localize treatment to one area, but treating the whole body can have a better outcome.
Super-oxygenated blood can flow from other areas of the body to the affected area.
Results can be felt immediately, and there is no recovery time required after treatment.
The beneficial effects continue after the treatment is completed. PEMF therapy starts off the effects of energizing the cells, increasing oxygen in the blood, and stimulating the body’s natural healing processes.
Depending on the problem and the desired outcome, you may choose to repeat the treatment once or twice a week throughout training and competition, or you might plan a series of treatments.
Racehorses and athletes often use PEMF therapy systems as part of their training, in their usual training environment.
PEMF therapy systems may also be used in hospitals, clinics, or in the office of a wellness professional.

Nov 15, 2018

The Benefits of Bio-Resorance in Athletes

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Contact us now for more details
We will be glad to help you!

Nov 11, 2018

Grandma Herbs

From traditional recipes, instructions and research into the herbal properties of herbs, we give you some treatments for some common ailments or common conditions:

The swollen eyes are quenched with raw potato in gauze.
The red eyes with a chamomile.

For fatigue: sage for mental and mental, thyme for mental fatigue mainly, balm for mental fatigue, cardamom and spinach for physical and energy fatigue. If you are not sure about the cause or are generalized fatigue, make combinations that suit you like flavors and fragrances, you will find the most suitable for you.

Depression: In the first clouds try sage, balm, melissa and talk to your doctor, there are natural solutions before you go to antidepressants.

Burns: There are a variety of traditional recipes, the most innocuous potato burgundy burlap, or a burnt cabbage pouch.

The edema of the lower limbs is treated with cabbage debris, melted boiled leaves wrapped in gauze.

Constipation finally with dried plums soaked in water one night, in the morning you drink the juice and eat prunes. Another simple way, hot water with honey every morning. In aggravated situations the Egyptian leaves, but a lot of attention and not regularly because the bowel function is inactive.
Diarrhea. Oregano first of all.

Acne. Depending on the gravity can help lotion of tomato juice in the evening and a little lemon juice in cotton cloth or gauze in the morning, or with lavender or chamomile decoction, rinse your face morning and evening. In isolated pimples, locally only lemon.

Dysmenorrhea. Find what suits you best. Decoction of rosemary, sage, or marjoram, which usually has the best results in this problem.
Menopause. Prefer sage
In Aristomeness or Delay, try Artemisia, but it can help sage because it regulates female hormones.

Crying, tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis etc. what we have already mentioned, eucalyptus inhalations, gargles with lemon juice and saline and the appropriate infusions such as thyme, sage etc. Marjoram strengthens the immune system. Alcohol or oil rubbing the night before bedtime.

In the hoarfrost gargles with salt water or gargles with sage and vinegar diluted in the decoction.

Otitis. In cotton, olive oil or rosemary juice or marjoram juice.

Anemia. In the salad besides the spinach ... lemon and as fresh juice from the leaves, fresh dandelion (teaspoon), decoction of angelic root.

Hemorrhoids. There are various recipes with cabbage, melange, etc. but try powder from grated garlic peels, it is the most effective recipe.

For gout nettle and teaspoon in decoction.

Cholesterol end with taraksako.

Liver disorders you will find solutions to the herbs mentioned above, but it helps the artichoke even in the diet.

Gastritis and increased acidity of the stomach, pure olive oil. For the Chios mastic ulcer. Read also the herbs listed at the beginning.

Hair tonic for hair loss: rosemary, calyx, millet, sage, laquer, laurel, nettle, nettle, chamomile etc.

Wound dressing as a poultice: mainly oregano, balm, marjoram, rosemary, ditto.

Spills, injuries, swelling the most active is a burrow of onion, it is also very active and in swelling by insect bites.

A powder for teeth with soda and salt in equal parts, a small amount on the toothbrush.

Nov 6, 2018

Doctors Pulled 14 Squirming Roundworms from a Woman's Bile Ducts

If the idea of a single 7-inch (18 centimeters) worm wriggling inside your body sounds horrifying, try 14 of them. That was the case for a woman in India who had more than a dozen squirming roundworms pulled from her bile ducts.

The 38-year-old woman went to the hospital after experiencing severe abdominal pain, fever, vomiting and episodes of jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes) for six months, according to South West News Service (SWNS).

"My pain was so bad that I could barely stand on my feet," the woman, whose first name is Sunita, told SWNS. She added that she lost more than 26 lbs. (12 kilograms) in about one month during her illness.
Sunita was originally misdiagnosed and was given antibiotics before doctors found the real cause of her symptoms: A CT scan revealed 14 roundworms in her bile ducts, the tubes that carry bile from the liver and gallbladder to the small intestine. The roundworms were about 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 centimeters) long.

The SWNS report did not specify the exact type of roundworm that was removed from the woman's gut. However, Dr. Peter Hotez, the dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, said that the worms appear to be Ascaris lumbricoides, a type of intestinal parasite. This parasite is "one of the most common agents of human disease in the world," said Hotez, who was not involved in the woman's case.

An estimated 800 million people worldwide have Ascaris worms in their intestinal tract, Hotez told Live Science, and the roundworm is extremely common in India.

People become infected with this worm when they ingest eggs from the parasite, and this can happen when people eat fruits or vegetables that have been grown in contaminated soil, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

And it's not that uncommon to see Ascaris in the bile ducts, Hotez said. Although the worms live in the small intestine, "they'll wander out of the intestinal tract and into the bile duct, where they can cause obstruction," he said. This complication is seen more often in adults than in children. But in kids, a large number of these worms can block the intestine and cause life-threatening complications, he added.

In Sunita's case, doctors removed the worms with the help of an endoscope — a long, flexible tube with a camera attached that reaches the bile ducts through the mouth. This procedure does not require surgery, her doctors said.

"Once [Sunita was] properly diagnosed, we managed to remove all the roundworms endoscopically in a single session," Dr. Arvind Khurana, head of gastroenterology at Fortis Hospital in New Delhi, who treated the patient, told SWNS.

Sunita is now pain-free and recovering, according to SWNS.

Herbs and healing

1. Does your ear hurt? Pour a few drops of melted onion!
2. Do you have diarrhea? Mix a teaspoon of raw coffee with the half-lemon juice and ... finally, frequent visits to the toilet!
3. Have you cooled down and you have been 'shaken'? Cut fresh leaves of oregano, warm it a little and spread to the point where you are hurting.
4. Do your legs smell? Make a foot bath with sage beans!
5. Do you have hiccups? Eat a little sugar!
6. Are your hair dull and dull? Soak them with a little vinegar!
7. Are your lips chapped and hurt? Spread often with honey!
8. Have your finger tightened and bleeding? Throw a little black pepper (for those who can withstand!).
9. Do you have anxiety and anxiety? Raise the thumbs!
10. Is your head going to break from the headache? Make compresses impregnated with a mint beast!
11. Do you suffer from insomnia? Wear socks just before you sleep so your limbs are warm!
12. Does your belly hurt? Spread with olive oil!
13. Did you burn your finger on the iron? Throw a little brown on the burn!
14. It hurts your tooth! Before you go to the dentist, put some ice to relieve yourself!
15. Do you have swollen eyes from the cold? Put a slice of raw potatoes under the eyes!
16. You have dirt! Do you know; Soak your hair with a rosemary!
17. Did you have a mouthful in your mouth or did your tonsils swell? Make gargles with sage.
18. Did you hit your hand? Put a bowl of oregano on the wound!
19. Are you stung and everything around you is turning? Drink a little lemon juice to add a little soda.
20. Do your eyes have black circles? Put cucumber freshly cut into slice or poultice and black circles will recede.

Nov 5, 2018

Vitamins that protect and repair the dna

Vitamins that protect and repair the DNA protecting us from many diseases and slowing the aging of our cells have repair mechanisms of the lesions observed in our bodies ... to .... But to achieve this -most times -chreiazetai activate their proteins to repair DNA damage but requires activation when ...... proteins our cells lacking basics such ...
enzymes ...
proteins ....
vitamins ...
metal ....
them (the cells) can not carry out their mission ...
we know now that all of these elements our body receives from the food ...
and we have the obligation not to deprive ....
often we hear that so and so or such and such enzyme protein helps cells cope and often cure the disease so and so ....
But when these items are not what? ......
let's see now four of these elements which help to repair damage caused to DNA by various conditions and ....
that slow the aging of the organism ....

1) Vitamin B3-Niacin which we find:
broccoli ...
carrots ...
the asparagus ...
potatoes ...
the sweet potatoes ....
in avoanto ...
on dates ...
to peanuts ...
in whole grains ...
the black bread ...
beans ...
in ... chickpeas
lentils ...
mushroom ...
the veal ...
fish ...
chicken ....

2) B9-vitamin folic acid which is:
sto spinach ...
in rape ...
to ... cabbage
broccoli ..
turnips ...
beet ...
in mustard ...
in Brussels sprouts ...
peas ...
asparagus ...
in orange juice ...
avocado ...
the kiwi ...
bananas ...
strawberries ...
beans ...
in whole grains ....
in the wheat germ ...
almonds ...
chestnuts ...
the egg yolk
milk ...

3) Vitamin B12 cobalamin which we find:
fish ...
milk products ...
chicken ...
eggs ...
in red meat ....
wheat flour ...
in green vegetables ...
legumes ....
yeast ....

4) Vitamin E which we find:
olive oil ...
in ... sunflower
in wheat germ ....
in sesame ...
the corn ...
in soybean ...
the germ of wheat ...
almonds ...
in the nuts ...
the sunflower ...
hazelnuts ...
peanut ...
beans ...
green vegetables ...
spinach ....
broccoli ...
the kiwis ...
in tomato ...
olive trees ...
avocado ...
the ... whole grains.

5) Vitamin D ... .. whose
main source is sunlight ... the
food we find:
the cod liver ....
salmon ...
the mackerel ...
sea bass ...
in porgy ...
the herring ...
the tone ...
the sardines ...
mushroom ...
eggs ...
the oatmeal (quaker) ...

6) karotenoeidi- vitamin A precursors which we find: all ripe
red fruits and vegetables ... ..
carrots ...
in green vegetables ....
cabbage ....
spinach ...
the kale ....
the mustard ...
watermelon ...
the red grapefruit ...
the tomato-in raw and cooked ...
the red peppers ....
in apricot
mandarins ...
melon ...
the ... pineapple
oranges ...
in pomegranates
in sweet potato ...
the beets
in coriander ...
the chicory cooked-to ...
peanuts ....
the paprika ...
these elements play an important and decisive role in maintaining DNA integrity and stability ... .............

Nov 3, 2018

Arthritis, bioresonance helps

The Arthritis is considered as a disease but actually includes more than 100 different rheumatic diseases and conditions that affect the musculoskeletal system, especially the joints.
The most common form is osteoarthritis, a, in which the structures of the cartilage is worn. Thus, because of damage to the cartilage, the joint between bones wears away, it stops the protection provided to prevent rubbing of the bones together and smooth movement of the joint.
Another common form of arthritis is Rheumatoid Arthritis,which belongs to inflammatory arthritis, by causing inflammation of the joints, usually in the hands, feet and knees. Even can damage other organs in the body. It is considered an autoimmune disease in which the immune system of an organism infects tissues located around the joint. This results in creating inflammation, leading to swelling, pain and stiffness in the affected joints.
Also other forms belonging to the category of autoimmune inflammatory arthritis, which have as a common feature the launch of the damage from the synovium, is systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and others.
Since metabolic arthritis is the most frequentGout Gout, which is caused when tiny uric acid crystals are formed in the joints.

Common symptoms include pain, burning pain, stiffness and swelling in or around joints, tiredness, weakness, difficulty sleeping, etc.
Some forms of arthritis such as Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis can affect many organs and cause progressive symptoms.
The causes, particularly osteoarthritis, can be many and deeper than those that can be seen outside the body and are: the imbalance biochemical (waste substances in the liver), hormonal factors, psychological factors, infections, malnutrition, trauma, excessive joint mobility etc.

The bioresonance is able to diagnose this deeper reason, due to which displays the particular disease in humans and suggest the best solution to tackle.
This holistic therapeutic intervention offered by bioresonance, approaches the problem in depth and drastic faces, since it can control symptoms, reduce pain and stop the progression of the disease.
Thus, the method of bioresonance, with the emission of electromagnetic oscillations, which are set at the appropriate frequencies for each person, the body is balanced and heal itself.

For information about bioresonance contact with me

Nov 2, 2018

The intestinal bacteria produce electricity

Scientists have so far found many bacteria that produce electricity in exotic environments such as mines or lake bottoms.
Now, for the first time, they discovered hundreds of bacterial species in the human gut also produce electricity.

Some of these generating bacteria in the body are pathogenic, such as those that cause food poisoning from listeria and miscarriages, you are responsible for gangrene, some enterococci and streptococci, etc. Other bacteria are probiotics ( "good") and some, such as lactobacilli, help ferment eg yogurt and cheese.

Researchers at the University of California-Berkeley, led by professor of molecular and cell biology Portnoi Dan, who made a notice published in the journal «Nature», said the discovery is good news for those scientists are trying to develop batteries of live microbes. Such innovative technologies "green" bioenergy in future eg To produce electricity from bacteria in waste management units.

"We had to flee now that is Generating so many bacteria interacting with people, either as pathogens, or as probiotics or involved in human fermentation products. This discovery will help us to learn much about how these bacteria infect us or help us to have healthy gut, "said Portnoi.

Bacteria generate electricity for the same reason that people breathe oxygen: to remove electrons produced during metabolism to support energy production in the body. While animals and plants carrying the electrons to the oxygen in the mitochondria of the cells, bacteria, living in oxygen-free environment such as the human intestine, using a completely different electron transfer mechanism.

In geological environments outside cells "breathe" bacteria e.g. iron or manganese, that transfer their electrons (their electricity) to a metal through appropriate geochemical reactions. Therefore, indeed, some scientists connecting an electrode in these bacteria, and thus can create a live battery which generates electricity.

The stream is born by the microorganisms into the body, reaches 500 microamperes. Bacteria in the intestine produce, according to the researchers, about both electricity and known Generating Bacteria located in the rock (about 100,000 electrons per second).

The bioresonance through treatment programs have can help to tackle health problems by resetting the cells in healthy shape.
If you are interested ...
We will be happy to help you!

Nov 1, 2018

Dandruff: you will defeat it without chemicals

Dandruff is a common chronic disorder of the scalp characterized by peeling skin. Although it is not contagious and is rarely serious, dandruff can be embarrassing and sometimes difficult to treat.
The good news is that dandruff usually ....

It can be controlled. In mild cases of dandruff, the person may simply need daily shampooing with a gentle cleanser. In the most severe cases of dandruff, use of a medicinal shampoo is essential.

In any case, there are some simple materials that you can use along with your shampoo to get rid faster or further refine the unsightly flakes dandruff:

Aspirin containing the same active ingredient (salicylic acid), as many pharmaceutically antidandruff shampoo. Crush two aspirins into powder and place in a normal amount of shampoo you use every time you wash your hair. Leave the mixture in your hair for 1-2 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water and wash your hair again with a simple shampoo.

Cider vinegar
Many dermatologists claim that apple cider vinegar is a good cure against dandruff. The acidity of apple-vinegar changes the pH of the scalp, creating a very hostile environment for the growth of the fungus Malassezia. Mix 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar with an equal amount of water, put the solution into a spray bottle and with this your scalp. Then wrap your head with a towel and let the solution sit for 15 minutes to an hour. Then wash your hair as usual. Repeat twice a week.

To treat dandruff, you can also first wash your hair with your regular shampoo and then rinse with mouthwash with alcohol base. Then put the conditioner as you normally would. The antifungal activity in mouthwash help prevent dandruff, because, as the apple cider vinegar, prevent fungal growth.