Nov 3, 2018

Arthritis, bioresonance helps

The Arthritis is considered as a disease but actually includes more than 100 different rheumatic diseases and conditions that affect the musculoskeletal system, especially the joints.
The most common form is osteoarthritis, a, in which the structures of the cartilage is worn. Thus, because of damage to the cartilage, the joint between bones wears away, it stops the protection provided to prevent rubbing of the bones together and smooth movement of the joint.
Another common form of arthritis is Rheumatoid Arthritis,which belongs to inflammatory arthritis, by causing inflammation of the joints, usually in the hands, feet and knees. Even can damage other organs in the body. It is considered an autoimmune disease in which the immune system of an organism infects tissues located around the joint. This results in creating inflammation, leading to swelling, pain and stiffness in the affected joints.
Also other forms belonging to the category of autoimmune inflammatory arthritis, which have as a common feature the launch of the damage from the synovium, is systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and others.
Since metabolic arthritis is the most frequentGout Gout, which is caused when tiny uric acid crystals are formed in the joints.

Common symptoms include pain, burning pain, stiffness and swelling in or around joints, tiredness, weakness, difficulty sleeping, etc.
Some forms of arthritis such as Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis can affect many organs and cause progressive symptoms.
The causes, particularly osteoarthritis, can be many and deeper than those that can be seen outside the body and are: the imbalance biochemical (waste substances in the liver), hormonal factors, psychological factors, infections, malnutrition, trauma, excessive joint mobility etc.

The bioresonance is able to diagnose this deeper reason, due to which displays the particular disease in humans and suggest the best solution to tackle.
This holistic therapeutic intervention offered by bioresonance, approaches the problem in depth and drastic faces, since it can control symptoms, reduce pain and stop the progression of the disease.
Thus, the method of bioresonance, with the emission of electromagnetic oscillations, which are set at the appropriate frequencies for each person, the body is balanced and heal itself.

For information about bioresonance contact with me

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