Mar 9, 2019

Future Diagnosticism

Have you heard of Bioresonance?
You should have heard of it by now, as it has been around for a relatively long time and it’s very smart……
Bioresonance is also know as vibrational medicine or electrodermal testing. Although this technology is cutting-edge, its science is rooted a fundamentally primitive principle – i.e. that everything on earth has a resonating frequency.
I first heard of bioresonance as a diagnostic tool when learning about VEGA – a technology available in the UK a decade ago but that is seemingly difficult to find.
A few years later, I saw an offer on Groupon, of all places, for a body scan that claimed to show exactly what’s going on inside the body, rather than making an educated guess, like our GP frequently does.
On one hand, it sounded nonsensical, but my ever-curious mind and degenerating body colluded and curiosity eventually won the day. I purchased the Groupon voucher.
My visit to Marias clinic was a lifesaving experience. Had I not requested the scan, I might not be alive today. It was a bit scary. The truth frequently hurts – especially when it tells you that you’re in trouble. I learned over time that, although bioresonance can be very accurate, it is also very forgiving. I will tell you why…
After being scanned various times in Mexican clinics and also spending over two years studying other people with bioresonance technology (I had my own machine in the USA), I began to realise it was too accurate. I thought it could highlight something going wrong in a person’s body before it had manifested into a diagnosed condition. Therefore, it has the exiting potential of being a prevantative tool, as well as a diagnostic and healing tool. Truly revolutionary, if you ask me.
In the case of my own scans, the inconsistency of some results tied in with the rhythm of the various symptoms I was experiencing. For example, Staph might show in my brain one day and in my heart the next. That tied in with how I had been feeling – i.e. with a headache one day and chest pain and palpitations the next. It seemed to correlate with how pathogens and symptoms shift and wane around the body. We are ever-changing organisms and the bioresonance should reflect that fact. The over-accuracy of the tool was demonstrated when my diet went downhill around Christmas-time in the States. I had been eating products containing high fructose corn syrup and started to show signs of early stage diabetes type 2. This disappeared when I returned to a healthier diet in the UK. (Shameful I know: that was then, this is now!).
There was no escaping how sick I was, according to that first scan I had in the UK with Maria. The results showed very advanced Atherosclerosis throughout my body and particularly in my neck, the carotid arteries, and boy did I feel it. I felt like I was dying. Of course, it was scary, but it helped me tremendously to see on paper what I was feeling in my body. It was a great comfort to pinpoint what was going wrong, before it was too late. I could also see that my gallbladder was harbouring numerous problems, such as calcification and various pathogenic infections. I went on to address these issues. Although it took time, I am grateful for the ‘heads up’ I had been given by using bioresonance.Radiography-web-e1398993605863-760x505
In Eastern Europe, it is apparently commonplace for hospitals to use bioresonance. This is also the case in many alternative therapy centres throughout Mexico and the USA (Mexico gains from American health tourism, and the clinics very advanced). The science is rooted in fundamental physics:
“Similar to other electronic medical devices, bioresonance is a safe and gentle, non-invasive alternative therapeutic technique designed on the premise that all particles of matter generate electromagnetic energy. In humans and other animals, this electromagnetic energy is continually resonating out from the body in oscillations of varying wavelengths and frequencies, which can be detected, amplified, graphed, and examined. Electronic therapeutic devices — including ultrasounds, electroencephalography (EEG), and bioresonance – are all designed to detect and record these oscillating electromagnetic waves. EEGs, in particular, operate in a similar fashion to bioresonance. More specifically, the cells of the brain communicate with each other and other parts of the body through electrical impulses sent along electronically excitable cells known as neurons.”

History Behind Bioresonance
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a well-respected methodology founded on more than 5,000 years of Chinese medical history. The basis of bioresonance is founded on similar concepts. One of these concepts is qi (pronounced “chi”), which is considered a vital force (life force) or spiritual energy responsible for controlling the workings of the human mind and body. If qi is blocked, pain, dysfunction and disease can result. Imbalances in the flow of qi cause illness, while correction of this flow restores the body to balance. In the 1950s, Dr Reinhold Voll discovered it was possible to test electrical skin resistance and gain information about a person’s chi in a completely non-invasive way. This marked the beginning of electrodermal screening. Traditional methods in bioresonance were developed in the late 1970s by a German physician, Dr Fanz Morell [1]

However, try to find out about bioresonance online and you’ll be greeted with a barrage of accusations of ‘quackery’ and debunking sites that attempt to discredit the evidence of its efficiency. This is espite the fact that it has no more quackery than an ultrasound or EEG:
“The EEG is a non-invasive procedure that measures this electrical activity of the brain through the use of small metal discs placed on the surface of the scalp, called electrodes. Brain waves are then detected, amplified, and displayed as a graph on the monitor. These waveform graphs are then evaluated for any abnormalities. Bioresonance operates in a similar fashion, using non-invasive techniques to measure the electromagnetic oscillations of various areas of the body and explore for potential disease or illness in the form of abnormal wave oscillations. Healthy functioning cells and organs tend to emit harmonious wavelength oscillations that fall between 10Hz and 150kHz [2]. When illness or disease is present, normal cell and organ function is obstructed, the resonance of harmonious electromagnetic oscillations is impeded, and, thus, disharmonious electromagnetic oscillations are emitted. Pathological oscillations that are likely to be indicative of disease or illness can be quantified using a computer program, which uses an algorithm to compare wavelengths and frequencies to pre-existing measurements gathered from unhealthy cells and organs [3].”.

Therapeutic Application
Bioresonance techniques can also be used therapeutically. This procedure involves separating wave patterns into groups of either (a) harmonious, or healthy, electromagnetic oscillations, and (b) disharmonious, or unhealthy, electromagnetic oscillations. The harmonious oscillations may be gathered and amplified, prior to rerouting them in a comfortable and safe way back into the body. The purpose of this procedure would be to boost and strengthen existing normal and healthy cell and organ function [1]. Conversely, disharmonious oscillations may be gathered and then flipped upside down using an electronic mirror circuit. This upside down, or inverted wave, then combines with a disharmonious wave and “cancels out” its negative impact on the individual and the body.

Scientific Evidence
Sadly, there is a scarcity of empirical data based on clinical trials regarding bioresonance techniques. While the gold standard for testing the effectiveness of a treatment (such as drug trials) is a double-blind trial, this method is unrealistic for studies examining bioresonance. More specifically, studies using a double-blind approach must keep both the treatment provider and patient blind, or not aware whether it is the active treatment or a placebo. Indeed, physicians delivering bioresonance treatment will always be aware of whether they are administering the active treatment or a placebo! Nonetheless, findings from available studies using less rigorous methods for examining efficacy and effectiveness indicate that bioresonance is a useful complimentary assessment and treatment tool. PastedGraphic-1
What to expect during your visit? With the Waverly Wellness bioresonance test, before the test, the consultant will ask you to remove any metal from your pockets, etc. You won’t need to take off any clothes and you will sit comfortably and relaxed in a chair. Special headphones will be placed over your head and these will pick up the various body frequencies, selected by the consultant, via your brain by laser technology. You can watch the scanning process on a laptop screen. After about 20 minutes of a full body scan, the consultant will analyse the readings and print your results. The consultant will then prepare recommendations, with herbal supplements and a healthy diet, to suit your individual needs. You will also receive a consultation on how to improve your health.

1,Morell F. MORA Therapie – patienteneigene und Farblichtschwingungen. Heidelberg, Haug, 1987. 2,Pihtili A, Galle M, Cuhadaroglu C, Kilicaslan Z, Issever H, Erkan F, Cagatay, & Gulbara Z. Evidence for the efficacy of a bioresonance method in smoking cessation: A pilot study. Forsch Komplementmed 2014;21(4):239-245. 3,Brügemann H. Are there evidence-based studies on the efficacy of the bioresonance method? In, 46th International Colloquium for Bicom Users. 2006;30:55-66. 4,Hennecke J. Bioresonance: A new view of medicine: Scientific principals and practical experience. Norderstedt, Germany: GmbH. 5, Elliot RS. Electromagnetics: History, theory, and applications. New York: IEEE, 1993. 6,Tock DH, Bollet AJ, Markoll R. The effect of pulsed electromagnetic fields in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee and cervical spine. Report of randomized, double blind, placebo controlled trials. J Rheumatol 1994;21:1903-1911. 7,Aaron RK, Ciombor DM, Simon BJ. Treatment of nonunions with electric and electromagnetic fileds. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2004;419:21-29. 8, Ripley RT, Gajdos C, Reppert AE, et al. Sequential radiofrequency ablation and surgical debulking for unresectable colorectal carcinoma: Thermo-surgical ablation. J Surg Oncol 2013;107:144-147. 9, Barbault A, Costa FP, Bottger B, et al. Aplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields for the treatment of cancer: Discovery of tumor-specific frequencies and assessment of a novel therapeutic approach. J Exp Clin Cancer Res 2009;28:51. 11, Reite M. Higgs L. Lebet JP, et al. Sleep inducing effect of low energy emission therapy. Bioelectromagnetics 1994;15:67-75. 12, Prindle A, Liu J, Asally M, Ly S, Garcia-Ojalvo J, Süel GM. Ion channels enable electrical communication in bacterial communities. Nature 2015;527(7576)59-63.

Mar 7, 2019

Detoxification - Detox. What Are Toxins

Toxin is any component in the body that are in the wrong quantity.   Our organism wisely builds and rebuilds.  When the body's balance is off all that remains is the compositions and decompositions. This is toxin. In addition to any substance of the environment that can not be eliminated from the body.
Toxins (chemicals) can be found in Foods, water and even the air we breathe.
Toxins are also all  parasites in our organization that have overgrowth.

Detoxification is the natural elimination process of the waste substances which, when accumulated, are harmful to health. These waste substances or toxins (parasites) normally enter the body through many ways for example -food, tobacco, contaminated air, pharmaceuticals, detergents, household items such as kitchen sponge etc.
The  human food chain is contaminated with by-products of industrial activity, such as heavy metals, dioxins, etc.  However, the body has the appropriate detoxification mechanisms organs (intestine, kidney, liver, etc.) which act like chemical laboratories and continuously filter and excrete toxins from the body. The elimination process of our body starts with urination, stools and sweat as part of our natural detoxification action. The best  detoxification of the body is the correct and balanced diet as it gives us all the nutrients our body needs, protects our health and gives us energy. Due to the body burdens of toxic substances as the result of toxins for decades , detoxification can not be achieved within one or two days, but it takes a longer period of time.

Inability to concentrate
Swelling of the stomach
Weight gain
Excessive production of mucus
Skin lesions
Bad breath and body
Inflammation lymph nodes or joints
Rheumatism and arthritic pains
Premenstrual syndrome
Respiratory disorders such as asthma, sinusitis colds
Pollen allergy
Increased desire for alcohol
Sweet substances
are some of the symptoms of a body "loaded" with toxins.

Detoxification increases energy levels and reduces cravings by cutting foods that are difficult to digest and usually cause a sharp rise and fall of blood sugar, that make you  hungry and tired.
Healthier Skin
Improves symptoms of heartburn
Constipation and gas are eliminated
Elimination of digestive system disorders
Strengthens the immune system
You may wonder why we promote a  detoxification program and not another diet as most people would think? The answer is simple. The goal is not only the weight loss , but the overall health of the body.  The sucessfull Detoxification is done through  proper diet along with the help of natural substances such as enzymes, herbs and homeopathy.

Candida is a condition  which affects about one third of the total population of all Western industrialized countries. The disease has a generalized fungal infection produced by the microorganism used to be known as Monilia Albicans; it is now called Candida Albicans. This organism produces a syndrome without a specific characteristic, but instead a number of chronic disorders affecting all different body systems:

Nervous System
Lymphatic system
Urinary tract
Endocrine system

The bioresonance Wellness treatment through electromagnetic programs can help  tackle health issues by resetting the cells in their healthy shape.
If you are interested we will be happy to help you!

Mar 6, 2019

What hours is restored every organ in our body

Our body has a biological clock and every organ in our body has a repair / maintenance program that operates on a daily basis.
If you feel a little strange these hours of the day (headache, lack of energy), to know that a body tries to repair the damage suffered and what they feel may be the result of energy spent to repair.

 Restoration Hours of internal organs
- Lungs: 3-5 AM
- Colon: 5-7 AM
- Stomach: 7-9 AM
- Spleen: 9-11 AM
- Heart 11-1 PM
- Small intestine: 1-3 PM
- Bladder: 3-5 PM
- Kidney: 5-7 PM
- Pancreas: 7-9 PM
- Blood vessels and arteries: 9-11 PM
- Gallbladder: 11 PM- 1:00 AM.
- Liver: 1-3 AM

The lungs are the main organs that the body takes care to repair and maintain. The lungs begin to eliminate toxins between 3-5 in the morning and that's why when you wake up can sometimes cough. If you cough in the morning, it shows that diet and your lifestyle needs minor changes.

From 5-7 in the morning, is the time repaired this instrument. A healthy colon needs water to function properly,  to eliminate waste products 24 hours a day. The morning is the most important time to drink plenty of water in order to realize this process and the worst time to consume caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic and removes water from the colon to the kidneys and the bladder in order to be expelled.
Your body needs water in the morning to make the repair and maintenance of the colon. This helps in proper digestion, weight maintenance and slowing the aging process. If you drink a littre of water every morning, your health will improve. If you wait until defecation before eating in the morning, it is also healthier for your colon.

Between 7 - 9 in the morning, are the times that the stomach gets repaired and should not consume a large meal. during this time.  While the colon needs fluids to be repaired properly in the morning, the stomach needs very little fluids. Start drinking fluids (water or fresh vegetable juice) or eating fresh fruit that are easily digestible. However, if possible, drink only liquids in the morning for better health.

From 9 - 11 in the morning, the spleen purifies itself.  During this  process or when the spleen is weak, you may suffer from allergies or not be able to get rid of a cold or flu. This is because the spleen works with the liver and immune system.  A healthy spleen produces antibodies when there is an infection and is constantly on the lookout for potential attackers.

The heart repair time is 11- 1 in the afternoon. Your body removes waste products from the heart and sometimes you may notice rapid heart movement (tachycardia), extrasystoles and / or fluttering. 70% of heart attacks occur when the heart is in the repair period.

Small Intestine
Have you noticed that during 1 to 3 pm you are more likely to get indigestion, bloating and pain? If  so, you may be doing two things wrong:
1 . Your diet is not correct and the food you consume is not digestible.
2 . Your diet causes problems that create your anxiety.
A proper diet will help you solve these problems.

Kidneys and bladder
During 3 to 7 pm you may notice that you are tired and want to take a power nap. When the kidneys are healthy and functioning properly, you will feel that you have enough energy to continue with your schedule and you do not feel fatigue.

Do you have cravings for sweets or refined carbohydrates during 7 to 9 pm?  These foods immediately convert into sugar within your organism?  The kidneys adjust the pancreas and if you consume sweets during this period you might notice back pain, which is a symptom resulting from the kidneys. The kidneys, bladder and pancreas are parts of the same organ group.  If you need a nap in the early afternoon its simply due to the pancreas, which is commands  the kidneys to start the  repair.

Blood Vessels and Arteries
Your blood vessels are repaired during  9 to 11 pm.   Headache and weakness are the effects of this process on the body.

Liver and Gall Bladder
Between 11 pm and 3:00 a.m. these two organs go into action.  Have you experianced sleepless  nights during this time?  This means that the waste products are not easily processed by the liver and stimulate your body causing insomnia and nervousness.  Your brain can not calm down.

Watch your health and know your body. The more you know about your body, the easier it is to maintain your health.   Start paying attention to your biological clock and your body's time repair system.  This will help you understand what is happening inside.