Oct 20, 2018

What is Ascariasis?

What do you see in the picture?  What could it  possibly be?
Put a little imagination and if you can not understand read the very interesting story that you definitely need to know.
Warning: its ugly ....
The "Ascaris lumbricoides" is a nematode parasite responsible for the disease ascariasis (ascariasis) in humans.  It is the largest and most common parasitic worm that infects humans.
It is estimated that about one quarter of the human population will be infected by this parasite.
The ascariasis exists worldwide and it is found more so in tropical and subtropical countries.
This parasite-worm can reach a length of up to 35 cm and is highly resistant and lives in soil through feces for many years.
How People get Infected
When man swallows an egg (through contaminated water or food) and this parasite worm is present, it enters the bloodstream, the liver, heart and into the lungs where it is hatched.
Then it passes into the throat and through ingestion in the stomach. Within 3 weeks, the parasite enters into the small intestine whithin the  Human and matures in male and female adult.
The reason that the parasite makes this "migration" in the Human body is still being investigated by scientists and not fully understood.
A female parasite in the human small intestine can lay up to 200,000 eggs a day for a year.
These eggs are expelled from the infected person and will remain in the soil and become infectious and enter into other people through water or food.
Diagnosis & Treatment
The diagnosis of ascariasis is tested through the Human faeces. Doctors can diagnose using only one or two small stool samples.    The infection is treated today with drugs called ascaricides.
another drug used is Nitazoxanide.

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